Matt Western MP is asking for constituents to share their views on the proposed Assisted Dying Bill ahead of a ‘free vote’ later this month.
A ‘free vote’ means MPs do not have to vote along party lines and are therefore not whipped for the vote.
The proposed legislation would make it legal for terminally ill adults to be given assistance to end their own life.
There would be a range of restrictions included in the legislation, such as the adult having to have the mental capacity to make the choice free from coercion or pressure and be expected to die within six months.
Two doctors must also be satisfied that the person is eligible, and a High Court judge must hear from at least one of the doctors.
You can read more about the bill here.
The Bill will come before Parliament on 29th November and Matt Western has said he is “keen to hear from as many constituents as possible” on their views on the proposed legislation.
Commenting on his call to constituents, Matt Western said:
“I am aware that there is such a wide range of opinions on this issue, and I am grateful to the many constituents who have already been in touch to share their personal views and experiences with regarding to assisted dying, whether for or against.
Ahead of the Bill coming to Parliament, I am keen to hear from as many constituents as possible.
Whether you have a little or lot to say, have direct experience of working with terminally ill patients or have looked after a terminally ill loved one, or just have views on the Bill you wish to share with me, please do take a few minutes to communicate these views with me.
Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts on this issue. It is so valuable to hear from so many of you.”
You can share your thoughts on the bill on the form below or here.